It’s a Start

So, what do you write on your very first blog post for your new website? I’m clueless. It seems I write all day; journaling, emails, newsletters…. but a blog post? That’s a different animal. The page is white and blank and empty, almost scary. I tap on the computer screen and ask if anyone is in there. A thought comes over me, I guess like any good story, you begin at the beginning.

I think back to when I started my yoga practice back in 2009. My mat was as unfamiliar as this blank white page. I read books and watched videos of yoga practices. Back then I was addicted to listening to books on yoga and related material. My favorites were Depak Chopra, David Simon, Davidji, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Debbie Ford, and so many others. Yoga was a big part of their daily practice of health and well-being and boy did I need me some of that! From a yoga practice I branched into meditation (totally fell in love!) and yoga philosophy. 

I started my movement practice with hatha yoga. Simple poses held for a good length of time and that was wonderful! I truly felt more open and had great energy throughout the day. A couple of years later when I moved to Rock Hill, I attended a studio that offered vinyasa classes and that became my jam. Flowing from one posture to another with rhythm and cadence of breath and body. Wow! Since I was in a studio environment, I was able to take some restorative and yin classes. Those balanced for my dosha, Pita-Kapha, what a combination, huh? 

More classes led to more curiosity, and I ended up in teacher training, you know, to deepen my practice. Well, of course it wouldn’t stop there so I started teaching. Teaching led to much more curiosity, so I added certifications in Yin and Restorative practices. I saw that my tribe was interested not only in movement but also introspection. That landed me in the advanced training with the Jason Crandell Yoga Method and I received my 500-hour certification through this program. Someday I’ll tell you the story of how I came to find him and his wife, Andrea. As they say, when the student is ready…

My learning and yearning are always in a tight race. It’s what keeps the wind under my wings.

This is the beginning of my story. I would love to hear your beginning with yoga. Is it this website and classes that I offer? Or are you and experienced yogi looking for a place to land and do some repair work? Welcome aboard! I’ll see you on the mat soon.

June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.

A Filtered life

