on the BLOG

We are taught to forget the past, let go of the past,
Currently I disagree with that thinking. I was a fan of it before.

Oh, don’t we just love this word, boundaries. Does it make you feel protected, powerful, in control? Or does it weird you out that someone would have and exercise their boundaries towards you?

Does the sight of this fella make you think of hot summer evenings? Do you get weirded out by his bulging red eyes?

Sit. Stay.
I was reading another yoga instructor’s blog (I do a lot of that), then I was listening to a podcast about yoga (I do a lot of that, too), then I was watching a YouTube video…. Get the picture?

Being With What Is
If you are on my Instagram page, you may have noticed most every post for BunnyDog Yoga centers around the theme, What does a Yogi do….???

I was at a meeting for one of the ministries at our church last night and there was mention of having a homecoming sometime this summer.

Now Where was I??
Oh, the joy! I finally have time in my schedule to write a regular blog for the website. I can not tell you how refreshing this feels.

The Harvest Continues
I am grateful for the bounty of our garden, but these last few weeks have really tested my dedication to the craft of growing vegetables.

It’s a Start
So, what do you write on your very first blog post for your new website? I’m clueless. It seems I write all day; journaling, emails, newsletters…. but a blog post? That’s a different animal.

Meditation. I told you we were going to visit this subject. Settle in; we’re going deep.
Have you started your practice yet? I have started and restarted a million times. But I think I’m finally into real practice now. These are the mountains I have scaled to find the perfect valley of peace. See what you think.